
Encouraging friends to be their best by building healthier lifestyle habits <3

Take Control of Your Life

A Tip of the day from Dr. A…
“Most people fail not because they don’t believe they can do it. They fail because they are not willing to do what it takes to succeed. Your level of commitment will determine whether you work hard to get to your goal or fizzle out and stop short.”
I thought this was worth sharing.  Dr. A has a lot of insights to share about how to reach your goal to live at your ideal weight.  Did you know that you can sign up for Dr. A’s tip of the day by going to www.habitsofhealth.net  and click on the request? Check it out!  It’s just one more way to stay committed to yourself and your health. Hard work? Maybe, but you will be the one to benefit the most!!
Now, for your homework…Please fill out the form below and send it my way. You should also print it off and keep it somewhere where you can look at it on a daily basis. You do your share and I’ll do mine….
Here is an idea for beef tonight 🙂
Slow Cooker Pepper Steak
2 pounds beef sirloin, cut into 2 inch strips
garlic powder to taste
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cube beef bouillon
1/4 cup hot water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 large green bell peppers, roughly chopped
1 (14.5 ounce) can stewed tomatoes, with liquid
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1) Sprinkle strips of sirloin with garlic powder to taste. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat the vegetable oil and brown seasoned beef strips.Transfer to a slow cooker.
2) Mix bouillon cube and corn starch with hot water until dissolved. Pour over the meat. Stir in onion, green peppers,stewed tomatoes and soy sauce.
3) Cover, and cook on High for 3 to 4 hours, or on Low for 6 to 8 hours.

Take Control of Your Life!!!
1. Create your visual: How will you feel? What will you look like? What will you be able to do that you are looking forward to? ___________________________________________________

2. When someone offers you a cupcake, you will say…
a) “Thank you! I’d love one!”
b) “You know I can’t have that”
c) “No thank you. Although it looks delicious, I’m
going to pass this time.”
d) “I’m choosing to eat healthy these days”
e) Both C and D

3. I will take each day at a time and celebrate my success at the end of each evening by ________________________________
(ie: write in journal, take a walk, go to bed early)

4. I plan to weigh myself once a week on ____________. I will keep a chart of my success.

5. The people I can depend on to help support me are

My weight loss buddy is ______________________

My exercise buddy is ________________________

6. The situations or people that may make staying with my program difficult are: (ie: “happy hour” or “my boss”) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. My secondary goals are: (ie: exercise daily, drink plenty of water, listen to support calls weekly)

8. I will reward myself for every ______ pounds I loose. Some choices I will pick from are….

9. I choose to exercise daily! The best time for me is _________. I will keep track of my progress in my journal.

10. I will keep a journal and keep up with the lessons in my Habits of Health System. I will keep in touch with my Health Coach.


Take Control of Your Life

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Celebration Day!


What are you celebrating? Weight loss for the week? New pant size? Weekend success? Back on track today? Even little celebrations are life changing. Each day that you reach small goals should be celebrated since they lead to the ultimate ones…the healthy life that you deserve! Don’t forget to include me. There is nothing that I like more than a celebration 😉  Now, let’s look at how we get to celebration day……
Many of us have been on just about every diet out there.  Sometimes you lose, but sometimes not.  The common denominator in the past has always been that the weight has come back…Why?  Well, at Take Shape for Life, we want to help you understand how to not only get down to your healthy weight but to learn how to keep it off for good!
It is all wonderful to get down to your BMI of between 19 and 25 that will get you going in the right direction.  But to keep you going in the right direction for the rest of your life, we want you to reach for your “Metabolic Fitness”.  Metabolic Fitness is achieved when your body is absent of all the metabolic and biochemical risk factors associated with obesity.  These risk factors include high cholesterol, high triglyceride level, elevated blood glucose, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and elevated fatty acid synthesis.  You can achieve metabolic fitness by a modest drop in your weight and a moderate increase in your physical activity.  Sounds easy enough, but the difficulty lies in the fact that so many people use food for non-nutrient purposes such as stress relief, emotional soothing, entertainment, to feel high or good, to rebel, to stop boredom, to procrastinate, and the list goes on and on.
So what should you do?  Well, the key to successfully losing weight and keeping it off for good is to change your attitude about yourself and the food that you choose to put into your magnificent body.
Here is an example that may sound familiar:
Ann just left her doctor’s office, and after quite a few tests it was revealed that she needs to lose 60 pounds to improve her health.  Ann’s concept of herself is that she will always be heavy.  Her whole family is overweight.  She has tried every diet ever invented and joined every weight program around, and although she may lose some weight, it always comes back on.  She feels that she can only stick to a diet for a few days. She loves food too much.  She also hates to exercise.  So, what her doctor has just told her is creating a lot of havoc in her brain.  What is she going to do?
Ann’s biggest obstacle is her preconceived concepts of herself and her relationship to food and exercise.  She needs to challenge these core beliefs about herself and make a shift in her attitude and thinking.  At first, Ann was very sad and grief stricken, she did not want to give up the “feel good” foods she had come to love, but they were killing her! She couldn’t imagine life without these foods nor could she imagine having to exercise.  Ann chose to get help from a therapist, who helped her to imagine other options other than to turn to food.  She chose the Take Shape for Life program, and took advantage of all the great support from her personal Health Coach, the online support tips and tools, and the weekly support calls.  She started exercise slowly by taking short walks daily.  She found friends and neighbors to exercise with and made it fun.  Ann had slowly but surely changed her self-concepts about herself, food, and exercise.  Ann has lost 60 pounds and lives an active healthy life. Now, how about you?
How you see yourself will determine much of your behavior.  If you perceive yourself as loving sweets, you will not let a brownie pass by without a bite.  If you see yourself as a vegetarian, you will never crave a juicy piece of steak.  If you claim that you are a triathlon competitor, you look forward to your daily workout.  You are what you think you are.  And just like Ann, you can change your attitude and ideas to healthier ones.

Hey! What about a recipe? I decided to offer  “Food for Thought” this week.
 Here are some steps to help you change your relationship with food…

1) First, write down your current reality…where you are right now in your body and mind.  Then look ahead to where you want to be in your body and mind… more energy, eating healthy, feeling great, metabolically fit?  Write it down in your journal.
2) Examine and challenge your basic beliefs about foods that are holding you back from getting down to your desired weight and health.
3) Redefine yourself as someone who eats healthy and exercises regularly.  Imagine a “new you” and begin to “be” that person.
4) Stop using foods for non-nutrient purposes and learn other ways to cope with stress.
5) Allow yourself to grieve over the loss of your unhealthy eating habits and then let it go!
6) Eat only at planned meal times and planned snack times.
7) Don’t focus on the scale and start focusing on healthy behavior and lifestyle.
8) Let go of the “I wish I were thinner” comments and work to make you the best you can be.  No comparing allowed!
9) Take advantage of the support from your TSFL program (health coach, online daily tips and tools, weekly conference calls).
10)Write down your goals for where you want to be in 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.  Keep a daily journal.


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How about a lil movie trivia?

Mona Lisa Vito: So what’s your problem?
Vinny Gambini: My problem is, I wanted to win my first case without any help from anybody.
Mona Lisa Vito: Well, I guess that plan’s moot.
Vinny Gambini: Yeah.
Mona Lisa Vito: You know, this could be a sign of things to come. You win all your cases, but with somebody else’s help, right? You win case after case, and then afterwards you have to go up to somebody and you have to say, thank you.
Mona Lisa Vito: Oh my God, what a ****ing nightmare!
Author Unknown in My Cousin Vinny – 1992

Are you like our friend Vinny Gambini? (one of my all time favorites, by the way 🙂 That any new challenge that you take on should be accomplished on your own?  Maybe you think you’re different and don’t need the support of others to succeed in life.  But, if you ask the most successful people, no matter the goal, they will credit the support of the caring people helping them. A winner will always surround themselves with the like-minded and stay connected to keep themselves focused.
Weight loss, improving health and changing bad habits into good works the same!  It is the secret key to success!  So, the next time a caring friend wants to join you on your quest to achieve, invite them along…you BOTH win!!
 And that’s what we are all about on the Take Shape For Life team. No one has to go it alone. We all win when we work together. My reward is the excitement in your healthy smile 😀
And now for a movie night treat
Cauliflower Pizza
1/4 cup Egg Beaters (1/8 lean)
3/8 cup 2% low fat shredded Mexican 4 cheese variety (3/8 lean)
1 cup fresh raw Cauliflower, then shredded in a food processor (2 greens)
Dash of Italian Spices

1) Combine all ingredients and spread out on Pam sprayed foil pie pan. Pat down so that it all sticks together.
2) Bake in 450 degree oven for 20 minutes or until it starts to brown, then flip over and bake another 10 minutes.
You can bake a few at a time and freeze for a quick pizza anytime.
 Top with:
 2tsp. Ragu Pizza quick sauce (low in sugar!) (2 condiments)
1/4 cup 2% low fat shredded Mozzarella cheese.(1/4 lean)
1/4 cup Morning Star sausage crumbles. (1/4 lean)
1/2 cup of your choice of veggie)bell peppers,mushrooms,etc. (1 green)
3) Bake in the oven for another 10 minutes for the cheese to melt. Wowee!! Delicious and completely lean and green!

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It’s your choice

You might think that the slim person must be that way because it’s easy for them. That making healthy choices during their day is just natural and they must have some secret talent for maintaining a healthy weight to stay fit.

ummmm, nope. It comes from those choices made constantly during the day….everyday…Sometimes, tough ones. A person living at their ideal weight lives in the same health pollution ridden world as everyone. Tempting junk food is everywhere! Over-stressed schedules burdens most of us! Who really wants to spend time exercising when the couch calls? The only difference between healthy and not is in your CHOICE. Yes, the choice is yours.
I actually find that quite reassuring. I am in control. If I want to stay fit, I can. It may take challenging myself everyday to stay true to what I want, but the consequences of poor choices are not worth it. Boy, is it a struggle!
Making the choice between a healthy snack or calorie laden dessert, holding back on a portion size, working a lil harder in the gym all add up to the results at the end of the day. The best decision always becomes obvious. I do take comfort in knowing that if (when) I slip up that I can be smarter the next time. The cool thing that happens is the more often I consider what’s best, the better I get at it. The law of averages are in my favor as long as I keep at it… everyday.
I feel better when I choose what’s best for my health, soooo I choose …………HEALTHY!

This is a idea for your veggie serving tonight. Tastes like roasted potatoes and oh sooo yummy 🙂
Roasted Butternut Squash
Butternut squash (try a bag from Trader Joes) 1/2 cup is 1 serving
1)Sprinkle with a little olive oil (1 healthy fat)
2)Spread on a baking sheet
3)Sprinkle with your favorite seasoning
4)Cook at 400 until golden brown

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Super charging your metabolism is a great way to keep the numbers on your scale moving DOWN


Your body’s metabolism determines how efficient it is at using the calories that you supply by eating. The more you know about how to keep it running in top form the better your choices are in your daily routine. Take a look at these suggestions of simple steps that can really increase your metabolism and power charge your weight loss plan!
*Always eat breakfast! Eating breakfast within an hour of waking, then eating every 2-4 hours jump-starts your metabolism and keeps it in high energy all day. Women who skip are 4 1/2 times more likely to be obese. Take Shape for Life must have known about that one.
*Drink coffee, tea or a Medifast Calorie Burner daily. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and is shown to increase your metabolism by 5-8%. Brewed tea up to 12%. That’s up to 175 calories a day!
*Eat your fiber. Aim for 25gms a day. It can increase your fat burning by as much as 30%.
*Drink your water cold. Making your body work harder in warming itself uses 50 extra calories. That adds up 🙂
*Chose organic products. Pesticides can cause weight gain since pollutants are stored in the fat cells and lower metabolism.
*Always include protein in every meal. Your body uses protein to maintain muscle mass which increases metabolism. But also, when combined it slows down the rate that carbohydrates are broken down and enter the bloodstream. Medifast solves that problem too 😉
*Spicing food is very beneficial. Cinnamon increases metabolism twenty fold with as little as 1/4 tsp per day.
*Skip the cocktails when trying to lose weight. Alcohol consumed will be used as an energy source instead of fat and really slows the metabolism down. Two martinis can reduce your fat burning ability by 73%. That gets in the way of your goals for sure!
*Make sure you take your vitamins! (Unless you are on the 5/1 since they are included in your Medifast meals) A lack of Calcium can slow metabolism, while 120mcg of Chromium daily will boost it.
*Exercise!! Regular aerobic activity and resistance training significantly increases metabolism and also builds muscle which raises your resting metabolism when you’re taking it easy too.
Try this one for a good supply of protein combined with carbohydrates. Since it includes 1 lean and only 1 green, add a serving of veggies(2 more greens) to increase your fiber intake. Use your last condiment to spice it up too! Wow, did your metabolism just take off?!
Bacon Cheeseburger Soup
2.5 oz 93% lean ground beef, cooked (1/2 Lean)
1/2 cup 2% reduced fat Mexican Cheese (1/2 Lean)
1 cup low sodium beef broth (1 Condiment)
1 wedge Light Garlic and Herb Laughing Cow Cheese (1 Condiment)
1/2 cup diced tomatoes in juice – with less than 5 g of carbs per 1/2 cup (1 Green)
1 tsp Oscar Meyer turkey bacon bits

1)Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and cook over medium high heat until cheese has melted.

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Can you feel it in the air?

Yeah! Spring is on it’s way! With it comes all the inspiration you need to keep you going strong toward your goal of optimal health. Many of you have been working hard since your New Year’s Resolution to make a change for the better. Others are taking this time of year as a time of renewal and awakening. Either way, the healthier habits that you’ve picked up have really made a difference in how you feel and HEY! What about that vision in the mirror? WhooHoo!
Of course, learning more about how to care for ourselves doesn’t always feel easy. We all need encouragement to stay on track whether you’ve been maintaining a happy weight for a time or new to this. Dr. A has some great tips to keep in mind when faced with life’s challenges. You owe it to yourself to check it out.( see the link below) Remember that we all want to live up to our own personal best. What that is, is up to you.

Make it easy!.doc – https://docs.google.com/file/d/1gDr61P3eNWjxoOY2r276AdX_3QXrRKveyCTPOeZl2BvCbhCnPL1pYJ2XtpqU/edit?usp=sharing

What are you going to do with all of those hard boiled eggs from Sunday? Make them part of your lean on Monday of course 😀
Deviled Dill Eggs
3 hard boiled eggs (1 lean)
1 tablespoon yellow mustard (1 condiment)
1 dill pickle spear, finely chopped (1/2 snack)
1 tablespoon Chopped Chives (1/7 condiment)
1)Cut your eggs in half lengthwise so you have 6 halves. Scoop out the yolks into a bowl. Mash with a fork.
2)Add the pickles (reserving some for the top) chives, and mustard. Stir. Spoon back into the eggs.
3)Garnish with the reserved pickles, or you can use a pinch of dill weed, If you like your eggs hot, add a few splashes of hot sauce.
Medifast Info per serving:
1 lean | ½ snack | 1 & 1/7 condiment

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“you cannot out exercise overeating”.

 For some of us, this bad news 😦      Others will take this as a sign that exercise is over-rated.  But consider what the experts have found in their research…….it takes healthy habits all around 
 Exercise decreases the rate of joint degeneration in people with osteoarthritis, lowers your resting heart rate, helps to boost creativity and reduces circulating levels of triglycerides.
Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996

Those who practice all 4 of the following are 66% less likely to die early from cancer, 65% less likely to die early from a major cardiovascular disease, and 57% less likely to die early from other causes. 1) Avoid Tobacco. 2) Limit Alcohol: Men should have no more than two drinks a day, women no more than one. 3) Improve Your Diet: Eat more fruits, eat more vegetables, eat more whole grains, switch to fat-free and low-fat dairy and eat more seafood. Cut down on salt and foods high in sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, added sugar, and refined grains. 4) Exercise at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise spread over at least 5 days a week – or – do a total of 75 minutes of vigorous exercise 3 days a week or more.
American Journal of Public Health, August 2011 
One things for sure, what we all agree on is that we want for ourselves the best quality of life possible. AND that my friend begins with a healthy body!!  Osteoarthritis,cancer,cardiovascular disease all rob us of the ability to go after those moments that make life so amazing!    Not to mention that 57% who are otherwise robbed early!  I don’t want you to be the one left behind!! So, get out the running shoes and let’s all learn how to improve our healthy eating habits. A healthy body is not dull or boring and neither is healthy living!  Ask anyone who enjoys optimal health, they will tell you that the possibilities are endless!!
How’s this for not so boring? 

Green Bean Lasagna

1.5 cups frozen green beans (you can replace 2 Tbsp with canned diced tomatoes )
dash of garlic salt/pepper
1/4 tsp of dried basil, crushed garlic
1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese (cut by half and add turkey sausage if you like)
1/4 cup cottage cheese(or ricotta)
2 tsp. Parmesan cheese

1)Prepare the green beans and place in an oven safe container.
2)Mix the spices with the cottage cheese and spread over the green beans. Sprinkle with the mozzarella cheese.
3)Bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted. Broil until cheese is slightly browned.
4)Sprinkle with Parmesan and serve.

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Think about that wheel around your middle as needing to move. We all know that every time we tell ourselves “I will worry about doing something about it next week, I’ll just have dessert tonight or  I’ll be good tomorrow”, we push that wheel to get bigger and bigger and it goes faster and faster down the path of gaining weight!
It’s all down hill from there  :[
The good news is that we can stop it! We can put our foot down in front of the turning wheel and make it turn the other way. To build momentum the other way you may have to push it a bit to get it going. Maybe up hill at first, maybe a little work at first, but once you get it up and over the hill it starts to roll easier and easier every time you make a choice for health. “I’m going to enjoy a calorie flavor infuser instead of a evening glass of wine” or “I’m going to stay on the 5-1 plan this weekend instead of cheating” . Every healthy decision gets that wheel (and the scale) moving so that it gets smaller and smaller and easier and easier.  momentum
  And of course,  I have a recipe for everyone who loves food and healthy eating  too!! 
Turkey Cutlets with Rosemary-Tomato Sauce
Fresh tomatoes really make a difference in this simple, chunky sauce. serves 2
            2 teaspoons olive oil, divided
            8 (2-ounce) turkey cutlets
            3/4 teaspoon salt, divided
            1/2 teaspoon black pepper, divided
            1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
            1 teaspoon bottled minced garlic
            1 1/2 cups chopped tomato
            1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
1)Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
2)Sprinkle turkey with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Add turkey to pan; cook 2 minutes on each side or until done. Remove from pan; keep warm.
3)Add 1 teaspoon oil, rosemary, and garlic to pan; sauté 1 minute. Add tomato; cook 1 minute, stirring frequently.
4)Stir in 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and vinegar. Serve over turkey.
Each serving is 1 lean, 3 condiments, 1.5 vegetables. Remember, you get a total of 3 servings of veggies, so add another 1.5 servings of salad or your favorite steamed veggie.

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Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Well, the New Year is a few weeks old already and life is finding a routine again. It feels good, doesn’t it? The excitement of celebrating with family and friends is soo fun with the treats of special activities and our favorite foods. But, it can be EXHAUSTING! I don’t know ’bout ya’ll, but I’m glad to find some predictability in my day.
Every day is busy enough so I like when I know what to expect. That’s why I want to encourage you to find comfort in a healthy eating routine. The surprise of an un-expected treat is fun now and then but nothing is better than knowing what works for you. It takes out the guess work of “what should I eat now?” and leaves your mind free to concentrate on more important tasks. Now you’re developing the Habits of Health! If you know that you like cereal or a shake for breakfast, you don’t have to think about it. You know it works for you and your day is under way. As you follow the 5/1 plan not only do you know that you are on your way to a healthier weight, but you feel the benefits today! I guess that’s why I’m ready to move on after feeling “weighed down” from those extra goodies and get back to an energetic, active day!

Sometimes, it’s nice to fall back on an ole’ favorite for dinner. Here’s one that has been around a while! I always get a “Yeah! My favorite!” when this is on the table 🙂

Classic Lemon-Caper Chicken
10 chicken thighs
1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (bottled if lemons aren’t handy)
2 Tbsp coarsely chopped rosemary
1 1/2 tsp ground pepper
1 lemon, cut into 12 chunks(optional)
3 Tbsp small brined capers
3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
course salt
1) Pre-heat oven to 425. Place chicken in non-reactive container, Add lemon juice,rosemary and pepper. Turn to coat. Add lemon chunks. Cover with plastic wrap and marinate for 20 minutes.
2) Heat cast iron grill pan til very hot. Rub with oil. Remove chicken from marinade and season with salt. Grill skin side up til clearly marked (about 3 minutes) and turn to cook skin side til brown and crisp. Char lemon chunks along side.
3) Transfer to oven and bake until juices run clear and thermometer reads 170.(20-25 minutes) Sprinkle with capers.

Easy and definitely yummy! Don’t forget to stay in touch this week! I’m always excited to hear your news!!

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Is obesity worth it?

People who are overweight or obese could gain ten years worth of health benefits by simply losing 20 pounds. Modest weight loss (average 14 lbs) reduced the risk of individuals developing Type 2 diabetes by 58%. Weight loss of just 10% of a person’s body weight has been shown to have long-term impact on sleep apnea, hypertension, quality of life, and to slow the decline in mobility that occurs as people age.
American Psychological Association, July 2012 .

Wow, doesn’t that sound like even a little effort is well worth it? When you compare debilitating disease or even just feeling less than great, (Dr. A calls it “not sick”) to small changes in your daily habits that translates to weight loss, the question becomes “WHY NOT?”
The key word is simply. Today’s culture with it’s crazy schedules and bombardment of junk food make healthy choices anything but simple. It takes a strong desire to want more for yourself than settling for less. It’s easier to just get through the day with convenience enhancing choices so we can move on to the next task, until one day your body says “NO MORE!” and you’re forced to deal with those daily habits of the past. I say….”NO WAY!” Make your health the priority now and not only enjoy the benefits today but for life!
Besides, the above mentioned conditions really don’t sound like any fun, especially when compared to a zumba class today 😀 chachacha
Stop by for dinner tonight! This is what will be on our table..

Pork Tenderloin with Pan Sauce
1⁄2 cups olive oil
1⁄3 cup soy sauce
1⁄4 cup red wine vinegar
Juice of 1 lemon
1-2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1-2 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped
2 tsp dry mustard
Freshly cracked black pepper, to taste
4 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1 1-lb. pork tenderloin (silver skin removed)

1)Combine all marinade ingredients and reserve 2-3 Tbsp. Place the pork tenderloin and marinade in a Ziplock bag and let marinate for at least 3-4 hours.
2)Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a hot skillet over medium-high heat, sear each side of tenderloin for 2-3 minutes. Place in the oven and cook for 30-40 minutes or until the meat has reached 160 degrees. Let rest for at least 5 minutes before slicing.
3)Pan Sauce:
Pan scrapings from pork tenderloin
1/2 cup of chicken broth
2-3 tbsp of pork marinade (thoroughly mixed)
Meanwhile, place the skillet back on the stove over medium heat. Add the chicken broth and scrape up all the browned pieces from the bottom of the pan.
4)Add the marinade and let it boil down for 2-3 minutes. Pour over the pork tenderloin

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